Mobile Wallets
Make payments with a single touch in participating stores and restaurants. Load our Visa Debit Card to your Apple, Google or Samsung Mobile Wallet.
Contactless Purchase
Look for the Contactless symbol at checkout and simply tap your Visa Debit Card. Your payment is processed in seconds!
Ampre Merchant Rewards
Automatic cash back offers are tied directly to your signature-based card transactions from the most popular national, regional, and local retailers. If you would like to see which merchants offer rewards, create an account to see how much you can save.
MobiMoney Card Control App
The only app that gives you full control of your Visa Debit Card usage. Turn you card off/on, receive instant alerts, and limit usage based on preferences you select. Download from Google Play or the App Store.
Save your change every time you use your debit card. You’ll be amazed at how fast your savings grows when all your debit card transactions are “rounded up�? and deposited into the savings account of your choice. Start an Emergency Fund today!
- Complete the form online in It’sMe247 Online Banking
- Stop in any Heartland FCU branch
- Call 937.294.1991
866.619.0245 | Card Activation |
800.808.6402 | Debit Card Fraud/Dispute |
800.528.2273 | Lost/Stolen |
877.267.6914 | PIN Change |
877.230.3179 | Responding to an Automated Fraud Detection Call |
513.900.3014 | Responding to an Automated Fraud Detection Call While Traveling Abroad |
800.889.5280 | Updates on Specific Fraud/Dispute Cases |
877-272-7445 | Ampre Rewards |
Card Security
Card Networks
When you travel, you make purchases outside your normal pattern. These purchases may be blocked by our fraud department. Prior to traveling outside the state, contact us for the following:
For additional Visa Debit Card security, download our MobiMoney App to turn your card off/on, receive instant alerts, and limit usage based on preferences you select. Download from Google Play or the App Store.
Please log in to It’sMe247 and find a secure online form under Info Center to request a Debit Card Limit Increase.
VISA Account Updater
When you use your Heartland FCU Visa debit (check) and credit card for recurring payments, like utility bills, Visa will automatically update your card information through the Visa Account Updater (VAU) service whenever your card information changes. All Visa credit and debit card holders enjoy this benefit; no enrollment or activation is required. Click the icon below to opt-out.