Share Certificates

Regular Share (Savings) Certificates

Members seeking higher rates of return for their savings may elect to open a share certificate.

  • 6, 12, 15, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 60 month terms
  • Minimum opening deposit $500 (6-month share certificate is $1,000)
  • Earn up to .25% APY* monthly bonus with Heartland Rewards

IRA and ROTH IRA Share (Savings) Certificates

IRA Share Certificates can help you plan for retirement with the benefits of an IRA.

  • 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 month term
  • Minimum opening deposit $500
  • Earn up to .25% APY* monthly bonus with Heartland Rewards

* APY=annual percentage yield: Bronze level earns .10% APY and Gold level earns .25% APY. If closed before the end of the share certificate term an early withdrawal penalty will apply.

REACH Financial Success Education

Share Certificates

Share Certificates are a type of financial account designed to hold your money for a fixed amount of time with low associated risk - and you earn guaranteed dividends in return! This short, interactive learning experience will teach you what is involved in opening a share certificate to decide if this savings tool is right for you:

  • Share certificate options offered by financial institutions
  • How to calculate your dividend earnings
  • The pros and cons of share certificates, compared to other accounts.

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