Fast Pass & Emergency Saving

Two Ways to Save

Emergency Fund Savings

Nearly half of Americans couldn’t cover a $400 emergency. If this statistic scares you, we have a plan for you! Let Heartland FCU fast track you with our Emergency Fund Savings. Currently we pay 1.51% APY**

Fast Pass Savings

Part of our REACH Financial Success Program for kids, members up to age 18, can kick start their financial future with this high dividend savings account. Currently we pay 5.12% APY*

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Members up to age 18 are eligible. Balances above $1,000 revert to regular savings account rate.

**APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Balances above $10,000 revert to regular savings account rate. This is a deposit only savings. Withdrawals may be made by contacting Heartland FCU. Some restrictions apply. See a HFCU representative for complete details.

Ways to Save

  1. Open an Emergency Fund at Heartland FCU.
  2. Set up automatic transfers in It’sMe247 to your Emergency Savings. Set the transfer on days you get paid and you won’t even miss it! If you don’t think you can spare the extra money coming out of your account, start out small and increase it over time. You can even set up Automatic Debit Card Round Up.
  3. Use your public library for books, movies, video games, even magazines (you just can’t cut out the articles - the library may frown upon that).
  4. If you carry a credit card balance, look at the rate(s) you are paying. Heartland FCU’s Visa Credit Card offers a very low balance transfer rate with no transfer fee. Apply for a Visa Credit Card today!
  5. Cook more meals at home, but make sure you shop with a list to avoid impulse purchases. Better yet, order online (using your Heartland FCU Visa Credit/Debit Card, of course) and set a pick-up time. You may have to pay a nominal fee, but if ordering online saves you from those impulse purchases, you’ve more than made up the money. Plus, you get to shop from the comfort of your pajamas!
  6. Refinance your car with Heartland FCU. Let’s see if we can get you a better rate or decrease your monthly payment with a refinance. Plus! If you refinance with Heartland FCU we’ll give you 1% cash back.
  7. Cancel subscriptions you don’t need or use.
  8. Shop insurance and compare rates to your current home and auto coverage. Consider a higher deductible, but make sure you have enough money saved to cover it (hint: see tip 1). If you need a place to start, check out TruStage 1-855-483-2149 or visit our TruStage page.
  9. Take “extra” money you receive and put it in your Emergency Fund (i.e. work bonus, raises, monetary gifts, parking lot finds, etc…)
  10. And Tip 10 … you can always sell your gold.

Per CDC Guidelines, those who are vaccinated are not required to wear a mask.Review more COVID-19 related information
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