Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and answers to our members' most common inquiries.

If you need additional assistance, please Contact Us and we'd be happy to help.

Q. Trouble Accessing It’sMe247 Online Banking
A. Visit our Trouble Shooting Tip Page.

Q. First-Time Login Instructions
A. Once an HFCU employee creates access to It’sMe247: go to > click Online Banking Login > click on Go to Online Banking Login > type in your member account number > type the last four digits of your social security number> click Login. Follow the prompts creating a new Username, Password, and Questions. Be sure to accept the eStatement disclosure to avoid the monthly fee. Watch this video for more assistance.

Q. Why does it ask me a security question each time I log in?
A. This is part of It’sMe247 security and is for your protection.

Q. How can I view multiple accounts?
A. If you are the owner of multiple accounts, contact HFCU to activate “See” and “Jump” features. “See” allows you to log into your membership and monitor balances and transaction activity for another account you are owner of. “Jump” allows you to jump to another online account without logging in or out of your current It’sMe247 session.

Q. How do I transfer money between accounts?
A. It’sMe247 > Pay & Transfer > Transfer Money > follow the 4 steps > click Continue with Transfer > click I authorize this transfer. Watch this video for more details.

  1. Contact HFCU to set up the ability to switch memberships or transfer to/from another financial institution (known as A2A transfer).

Q. Can I download my transactions to Quicken?
A. Yes! Once logged in, go to My Accounts > Downloads. Select the account, date and file format, then click Download.

Q. I haven’t received my e-statement yet.
A. An e-mail is sent to members usually on the 1 st , no later than the 2 nd or 3 rd of the month with a link to It’sMe247 so you may view your current and past eStatements. If you have not received this e-mail:

  1. 1. Have you looked in your email junk or trash bin?
  2. 2. Has your email address recently changed? To check/fix this, log in to It’sMe247 > Info Center > under Preferences > click Personal Information.

Q. Can I view pending transactions?
A. Yes! In It’sMe247 Online you can go to My Accounts > ACH Transactions and see a list of pending electronic deposits and withdrawals. In It’sMe247 Mobile you can view pending ACH Transactions in My Accounts > ACH Transactions.

Q. Can I transfer funds from HFCU to another financial institution?
A. Absolutely! You can transfer money to and from HFCU and other financial institutions using A2A. Contact Heartland FCU to complete the appropriate form to set up this service. Once set up, the other financial institution will be another option for you under Pay & Transfer in It’sMe247.

Q. Can I pay a person?
A. Absolutely! It’sMe247 > Pay & Transfer > Pay Anyone. You must enroll in Bill Pay in order to use the Pay Anyone service. Watch these videos to learn how to:

  1. Make a Person-to-Person Payment
  2. Accept a Person-to-Person Payment
  3. Cancel a Person-to-Person Payment

Q. How do I view checks online?
A. After logging into It’sMe247, there are two ways to view a check image:

  1. 1. In Transaction History, the cleared draft # will be shown > click View Check to see image.
  2. 2. Or go to My Accounts > Cleared Checks > select specific check or view all.

Q. Why am I getting a monthly fee?
A. It’sMe247 Online Banking and Bill Pay are free; but there are two potential fees you could be assessed. Be sure to agree to eStatements and if you sign up for Bill Pay, be sure you use this service each month. To agree to eStatements go to Info Center > My Preferences > eStatement Options > select “I would like to receive my statements electronically. I understand that printed statements will no longer be sent, and I can check my statement through online banking.”

Q. How do I delete messages in It’sMe247?
A. You will see Messages and Notifications on the left-hand side of It’sMe247. You can delete messages once you read them, but Notifications remain in your message section for 30 days.

Q. How do I view VISA transactions?
A. Click Info Center > Helpful Links > Credit Card Login. You will need a separate username and password to access this Web site. In It’sMe247, you can view your balance and make a payment, but if you want to see transactions you will need to access the Visa site.

Q. How do I view my account from my mobile phone?
A. Download the It’sMe247 Mobile App from iTunes or Google Play. You can view your account balances and history, makes transfers, deposit checks, pay bills, apply for a loan, find a Shared Branch, and more.

Q. Can I use my fingerprint to access It’sMe247 Mobile App?
A. Yes! Gone are the days that you must type in your Username and Password. You can also set up voice or face recognition, or a 4-digit pin. Once in the app click “My Accounts” and you should see a prompt to set up this easy-to-use security feature.

Q. Can I pay bills through It’sMe247 Mobile App?
A. Absolutely! Log in to the app > click Pay & Transfer > Click Pay Bills

Q. How do I deposit checks through the It’sMe247 Mobile App?
A. Log in to the app > in the footer, click Move Money > click Deposit Check > first time users will need to Register (approval takes approximately 24 hours). Watch this video to learn more.

Q. How do I get started with It’sMe247 Bill Pay?
A. Watch these It’sMe247 videos to learn how to:

  1. Enroll in It’sMe247 Bill Pay
  2. Add a payee
  3. Delete a payee
  4. Schedule a payment
  5. Set up an eBill
    Note: you must have an online profile established with the biller in order to enroll it in eBills.

Q. When do funds come out of my account when I use It’sMe247 Bill Pay?
A. There are two types of payees: electronic and check. Depending on the payment arrangement we have with your vendor, your payment is sent electronically or by check. For electronic payments, the funds to cover a bill payment are withdrawn from the funding account on the selected payment date. For check payments, the funds are withdrawn when the check clears, after the payee deposits the check.

Q. Where can I see all my pending payments in It’sMe247 Bill Pay?
A. It’sMe247 Online Banking > Pay & Transfer > Bill Pay Home > click All Pending Payments icon.

Q. How do I avoid a Bill Payment from being late?
A. When setting up a payment, be sure to pay special attention to the “Estimated Delivery” date to the left of the calendar. Make sure this date is on, or prior to, your due date. Payments set up after 5:00 pm ET will be processed on the next business day. When you click Submit Payment, be sure to click the OK button on the next screen to complete the payment process.

Q. How do I unenroll from It’sMe247 Bill Pay?
A. It’sMe247 Online Banking > Pay & Transfer > Bill Pay Home > click the gear icon Accounts/Settings > click Unenroll. Be sure you cancel any pending payments first and make other payment arrangements with your vendor.

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What is TruStage?

TruStage is insurance the credit union way. Our products and programs are made available through TruStage Insurance Agency and underwritten by CMFG Life Insurance Company and other leading insurance companies. Our products are only offered to credit union members. Today, more than 15 million members rely on us for our products, programs, services, expertise and experience. With a commitment to dependability and a members-first philosophy, we help you protect what matters most.

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Where can I learn more about TruStage?

You can visit their website at or call the toll-free number 1-88-TRUSTAGE (1-888-787-8243).

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Why did TruStage (through Heartland FCU) decide to mail me this information?

Making a decision about insurance should be both convenient and private. We want to give you the opportunity to make an informed decision without any sales pressure. We trust TruStage and the quality of the products and services they represent.

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How did they get my name?

When we decided to add to our insurance products available to our members, we wanted to join with an agency we knew could offer a variety of valuable coverages at affordable rates. That’s why we authorized TruStage to offer their products to our members.

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How do they address privacy?

They have a strong commitment to protect member information and have allocated significant human and technical resources to manage and protect member data. Their employees also go through mandatory privacy training.

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When I call the toll-free number, am I going to get a high-pressured insurance agent who will try to talk me into buying something I don’t want?

The phone representatives will discuss your life situation and recommend plans that will help you accomplish your goals. They’ll suggest some appropriate TruStage Insurance products, but the choice to buy is completely yours. No pressure – just information to help you make an informed decision.

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What if I don’t want to receive insurance offers in the mail?

Your name can be removed from future mailings by calling the TruStage Insurance Program Support Team at 1.800.428.3932, extension 4632007. Please note: It is not possible to suppress a name from a mailing that is already in progress. Due to processing and printing time, it takes approximately two months for suppressions to affect mailings.

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What is Heartland FCU's routing number?

Our routing number is 242277882. If you are having funds put in or taken out of a checking account, be sure to include your check digit at the end of your account number.

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Do you take cash?

Yes, we take cash at all branch locations.

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Do you run credit checks for loans?

Yes, we will consider an applicant's credit history when making a decision on a loan application. If you are having trouble or are unsure about your credit history, talk to our partners at Trinity Debt Management for help. It is a free service available to all Heartland members. Trinity Debt Management

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How do I become a member?

Becoming a member at Heartland is easy. The steps are completely outlined on our Membership page.

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What information do I need for a direct deposit or automatic withdrawal?

To ensure seamless direct deposits or automatic withdrawals from your account, be sure you are using the correct account number and routing number [242277882]. For a checking account, read the MICR line off your check book. If you are unsure feel free to contact or call us at 937.294.1991. Learn more.

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I cancelled my gym membership but it continues to come out of my account. What can I do?

We have a form called "Written Statement under Penalty of Perjury” and upon completion by you (the member) the Credit Union now has the authorization to return the ACH withdrawal as either an "Unauthorized Withdrawal” or "Revoked Authorization”, and redeposit the amount back into the account it was drawn from. Learn more.

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Is there a comparison site for credit cards?

Yes, check out NerdWallet to see how our credit card stacks up.

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Is there a difference between a "credit score" and a "FICO score"?

Credit bureau scores are often called "FICO scores” because most credit bureau scores used in the U.S. are produced from software developed by Fair Isaac and Company. FICO scores are provided to lenders by the major credit reporting agencies.

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Why do financial institutions use FICO scores?

FICO scores provide the best guide to future risk based solely on credit report data. The higher the credit score, the lower the risk. But no score says whether a specific individual will be a "good” or "bad” customer. And while many lenders use FICO scores to help them make lending decisions, each lender has its own strategy, including the level of risk it finds acceptable for a given credit product. There is no single "cutoff score” used by all lenders and there are many additional factors that lenders use to determine your actual interest rates.

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Are there other names for FICO scores?

FICO scores have different names at each of the credit reporting agencies. All of these scores, however, are developed using the same methods by Fair Isaac, and have been rigorously tested to ensure they provide the most accurate picture of credit risk possible using credit report data.

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What does my credit score need to be to get a loan?

There is no exact number a credit score must be to qualify for a loan. Loans are approved or denied on a case by case basis.

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How can I get my credit report?

The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act entitles you to one free credit report from each credit bureau each year. You may also obtain a free credit report if you have been a victim of identity theft. To get your free credit report call 877-322-8228 or log on to Should you find something on your credit report you believe to be fraudulent or incorrect, contact each credit-reporting agency. NOTE: Heartland FCU also provides a free credit analysis for members. Find out where you stand with your credit, what goes into making up your FICO score, and what you can do to raise your score. Contact us for more details.

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Why should I consider FHA financing for my home mortgage?


  • Minimal Down Payment and Closing Costs. Down payment 3.5% of Sales Price.
  • Eliminates need for separate Mortgage Insurance approval!
  • Gift for down payment and closing costs allowed.
  • No reserves are required.
  • Seller can credit up to 6% of sales price towards buyers closing costs and prepaid items.

For more information, talk to our partners at Capital Mortgage Funding.

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Can I refinance into an FHA mortgage?

Yes. There is a liberal LTV’s 97.75% rate and term: different criteria than conventional loan. Streamlines allowed without an appraisal. For more information talk to our partners at Capital Mortgage Funding.

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Can I get FHA financing for a rental/investment property?

No, the property must be owner occupied by Borrower. No investment property or second homes. However, you can finance up to a four-unit property, with at least one unit owner occupied. For more information, talk to our partners at Capital Mortgage Funding.

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Can I get FHA financing for a condo?

Condominiums must be FHA approved. For more information, talk to our partners at Capital Mortgage Funding.

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What is the FHA loan limit?

For the Dayton metro area, the limit for FHA loans is $127, 250.

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What is a VA loan?

The VA Loan is designed for veterans and service personnel. Eligibility for the VA loan is defined as Veterans who served on active duty and have a discharge other than dishonorable after a minimum of 90 days of service during wartime or a minimum of 181 continuous days during peacetime. There is a two-year requirement if the veteran enlisted and began service after September 7, 1980, or was an officer and began service after October 16, 1981. There is a six-year requirement for National guards and reservists with certain criteria and there are specific rules concerning the eligibility of surviving spouses. For more information, talk to our partners at Capital Mortgage Funding.

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Is there a limit to a VA loan?

VA will guarantee a maximum of 25 percent of a home loan amount up to $104,250, which limits the maximum loan amount to $417,000. Generally, the reasonable value of the property or the purchase price, whichever is less, plus the funding fee may be borrowed. All veterans must qualify, for they are not automatically eligible for the program. For more information, talk to our partners at Capital Mortgage Funding.

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Do I automatically receive the no-cost basic insurance?

No. You must complete and return the enrollment form (typically mailed once or twice a year).

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Must I buy additional coverage in order to get the AD&D; no-cost basic coverage?

No. The no-cost basic coverage is our gift to you as long as you have an account with us.

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Does this cover on-the-job accidents?

Yes. You're covered 24 hours a day, worldwide.

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How much additional coverage is available? Can I also insure my family?

Coverage amounts range from $10,000 to $300,000. Dependent children: unmarried children under 26 are insured for 20%. Spouse coverage is 60%. Households without spouse: dependent child coverage is 25%.

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Must I take a medical exam or answer health questions?

No. You are guaranteed acceptance.

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I bought additional coverage and received "Added Benefits." What does this mean?


  • You automatically receive five added benefits that are included in your insurance.
  • Common Carrier: Provides payment of twice the face value of your additional coverage.
  • Educational Expenses: Provides payment of a benefit to each dependent child enrolled as a full-time student in an institution of higher learning.
  • Accumulation Benefit: Provides guards against inflation by increasing the Principal Sum value based on every elapsed two years of coverage.
  • Paralysis Benefit: Provides payment of the benefit shown in the table on the certificate if paralyzed as a result of an injury.
  • Disappearance & Exposure Benefit: Provides payment for a covered loss as a result of being unavoidably exposed to the elements.

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Is there an age cut off?


No. However, coverage reduces to 50% at age 70.

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When does my coverage begin?


Please see your Insurance Coverage Document for "Effective Date."

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What does "common carrier" mean?


This is paid travel on common or public forms of transportation, such as: commercial airlines, trains, buses, cabs, ferries, etc.

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How long does it take before I receive my Insurance Coverage Document?


Processing and issuance of the Insurance Coverage Document takes about 30 days.

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What if I decide to cancel?


You have a no-risk, 30-day guarantee so if you choose not to keep your insurance, just call toll free 1.855.882.9536 to cancel.

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How will I be billed?


DDA, Credit Card, Mortgage premiums will be automatically debited from your account quarterly/monthly. These transactions will be reflected on your statement.

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How do I file a claim?


Call toll free 1.855.882.9536 weekdays, 7:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m., Saturdays, 8:30 am. to 5:00 p.m. CST.

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How long will it take to process my claim?


Once the Plan Administrator receives the appropriate information and documentation, claims are processed within 5 days and then forwarded to the underwriter for benefit determination.

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Who is the plan administrator?


The Plan Administrator is Affinion Benefits Group, LLC, a division of Affinion Group, the nation's largest provider of direct response insurance programs.

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What is a chip card and why am I getting one?

Chip cards are payment cards that have an embedded chip. Chip cards offer you advanced security when you use the chip to pay in the store or at an ATM. This new card provides you with more fraud protection.

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When will I receive my chip-enabled card?

You will receive your Debit Card by the end of March 2016 and your Visa Credit Card by the end of April 2016.

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Will the chip-enabled cards look the same?

Your Debit Card will look identical to your current card. If you have an HSA Debit Card or Visa Credit Card, the design has been updated. Click here to view images.

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What do I do when I receive my new chip-enabled card?

Please activate your new chip-enabled card immediately by following the instructions included with the card and destroy your old card. If you are unable to activate your new card with the information you provide, we may have outdated information. Please call us at 937.294.1991. During activation you will be prompted to set a new PIN, or you may keep your current PIN number.

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What happens to my current automatic payments?

It is important that you update your automatic payment information with your new expiration date and 3 digit code on the back of the card. This will help you avoid delays in the processing of future payments.

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Why are chip card transactions more secure?

Chip card transactions offer you advanced security in-store and at the ATM by making every transaction unique. And, your chip card is more difficult to counterfeit or copy. If the card data and the one-time code are stolen, the information cannot be used to create counterfeit cards and commit fraud.

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How do I use my chip card in stores?

During the transition to chip, you can swipe your card as much as you normally would and follow the prompts. If the terminal is chip-enable, it will prompt you to insert it instead. If you already know your chip card works there, start by inserting your card. These basic steps will help ensure successful transactions:

  • 1. Insert your card with the chip toward the terminal, facing up. Do not remove until prompted.
  • 2. Provide your signature or PIN as prompted by the terminal. Some transactions may not require either.
  • 3. When the terminal says the transaction is complete, remove your card.
  • 4. Always remember when you use your chip card to follow the prompts on the terminal and leave your card inserted until prompted to remove it.

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What should I expect when using my chip card at ATMs?

Depending on the type of ATM, your experience may differ slightly. If your card stays visible, use these basic steps for a successful ATM transaction: Insert and remove your card as you normally would. This tells a chip-enabled ATM whether you have a chip card or not. Then follow the prompts. If the AMT is chip-enable, it will prompt you to insert the card again and leave it inserted. The ATM will clamp down on your chip card to hold it in place until the transaction is complete. Do not try to remove your card until prompted by the ATM. When the ATM transaction is complete, remember to take your card. If your card is not visible, a chip-enable ATM will automatically recognized the chip on your card. If you're used to an ATM returning your card immediately, note that your chip card will now be returned at the end of the transaction. To complete a transaction, proceed as you normally would and follow the prompts. When the ATM says the transaction is complete, remember to take your card. [back to top]

Can I still pay in store or use an ATM if I don't have a chip card?

Yes, merchants and ATMs will continue to accept magnetic stripe cards.

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Can I still use my chip card at a non-chip-enable ATM or merchant terminal?

Yes. Your card will have a chip and a magnetic stripe to accommodate any situation.

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What does a chip-enabled merchant terminal look like?

Chip-enabled terminals have all the features you are used to with a payment terminal, with the addition of a slot to insert your card. The slot is typically located at the bottom or the top of the payment terminal.

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What does a chip-enabled ATM look like?

Chip-enabled ATMs have all of the features you are used to. You likely won't notice any physical difference between a magnetic ATM and a chip-enabled ATM.

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How do I know if a merchant terminal accepts chip cards?

During the transition to chip, you can swipe your card as you normally would and follow the prompts. If the terminal is chip-enabled, it will prompt you to insert it instead. If you already know your chip card works there, start by inserting your card.

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What if the terminal or ATM doesn't accept chip cards?

Cards will still have a magnetic stripe on the back, so even if a terminal or ATM is not yet chip-enabled, you can use your card as you do today.

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Where can I use my chip card?

Anywhere. Your card will have a chip and a magnetic stripe to accommodate any situation.

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When will I be able to use my chip card at all merchant and ATM locations?

Every day, more merchants and ATMs are becoming chip-enable to increase security for in-person card transactions, so you will start to see these terminals and ATMs at many of the stores and financial institutions you visit today.

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Can I use my chip card outside of the US?

Yes. Chip cards are widely used in international markets and are accepted in more than 80 countries. Having a chip card will make it easier for you to make purchases and complete ATM transactions when you travel internationally.

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What is EMV?

Chip cards are based on a global card payment standard called EMV, currently used in more than 80 countries. There are more than 3.4 billion chip cards issued across the globe.

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Do the chip-enabled cards offer contactless payments?

No. These cards do not offer the technology for Near Field Communication (NFC). Watch for contactless mobile payments like Apple Pay in the future.

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How do I know if I have a chip card?

If you have a chip card, the chip is located on the front of the card. You will still have a magnetic stripe on the back so that you can use it at merchants who don't accept chip cards yet.

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Can I use my chip-enabled card over the phone or online?

Yes! Your chip-enabled card will work over the phone or online just like it always has.

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Can my data from the chip-enabled card be stolen and fraudulently used?

While chip technology generates a one-time use code that is difficult to counterfeit, the account information may still be subject to compromise. Notify us immediately of any unauthorized use. For Debit Cards call 1.800.417.8715. For Visa Credit Cards call 1.844.334.3873.

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Do I still need to notify HFCU if I plan to travel?

Yes. So your card access isn't interrupted we recommend you let us know when you plan to travel with your cards. Call 937.294.1991.

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Do I need a protection sleeve or wallet?

No. Chip security cannot be scanned, it must be read at a terminal. Each time the chip is used the information is encrypted uniquely. This provides security for each transaction.

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Why didn't I receive a new chip card?

If there is a block on your account (i.e. 30 days delinquent on a credit card) a new card will not be issued. Contact us at 937.294.1991 or

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